
Tools and things that make my life easier - y'all might like them too

View the Project on GitHub pfuntner/toys



Removes duplicate punctuation and whitespace from stdin. It will not touch alphanumeric chracters but if anything else appears more than once in a succession, they will be reduced to a single occurrence.


Syntax: undupe

Options and arguments

There are no options or arguments


A before example: output from an OpenStack CLI that formats a table column but it can be rather difficult to read, especially on a screen without a wide width:

$ nova list
| ID                                   | Name                                  | Status | Task State | Power State | Networks                                                                                                                               |
| fd1afc31-104b-41d9-8978-30122c9ddb97 | autoit-f-autovnf-jpfuntne-avf-1       | ACTIVE | -          | Running     | autoit-jcp_orch=; autoit-jcp_mgmt=                                                                               |
| 1dd45d82-c774-497f-8211-14c2301f161f | autoit-f-autovnf-jpfuntne-avf-2       | ACTIVE | -          | Running     | autoit-jcp_orch=; autoit-jcp_mgmt=                                                                               |
| fcdd375f-37e1-4885-8c0f-d4aadad64e6e | jcp_autovnf-em-jpfuntne-em-1          | ACTIVE | -          | Running     | autoit-jcp_orch=; autoit-jcp_mgmt=                                                                              |
| ea9571a5-0430-4ad7-a2b3-7e50deabe5ba | jcp_autovnf-em-jpfuntne-em-2          | ACTIVE | -          | Running     | autoit-jcp_orch=; autoit-jcp_mgmt=                                                                             |
| 448ef86b-0bac-4de1-9fd2-a2afb5d6aaa4 | jcp_autovnf-esc-jpfuntne-esc-1        | ACTIVE | -          | Running     | autoit-jcp_orch=; autoit-jcp_mgmt=                                                                             |
| da2f282d-5088-4ac1-858a-9c9148eb01bc | jcp_autovnf-esc-jpfuntne-esc-2        | ACTIVE | -          | Running     | autoit-jcp_orch=; autoit-jcp_mgmt=                                                                             |
| 65bcf434-476c-4886-aa5d-37546aa4dda4 | jcp_autovnf-vPC-DI-PGW-jpfuntne-cf1-0 | ACTIVE | -          | Running     | autoit-jcp_orch=; autoit-jcp_mgmt=; di-internal1=; di-internal2=                     |
| f112de69-86a4-4a80-be62-88fb0f010a82 | jcp_autovnf-vPC-DI-PGW-jpfuntne-cf1-1 | ACTIVE | -          | Running     | autoit-jcp_orch=; autoit-jcp_mgmt=; di-internal1=; di-internal2=                     |
| 76388909-7c46-4c01-b3bc-862a034f0278 | jcp_autovnf-vPC-DI-PGW-jpfuntne-sf1-0 | ACTIVE | -          | Running     | service2=; service1=; autoit-jcp_orch=; di-internal2=; di-internal1= |
| d308c878-2c51-47a5-9a6d-23185983c9b6 | jpfuntne-autodeploy-6-3-1             | ACTIVE | -          | Running     | management=,                                                                                              |
| 36a7f0f4-55b3-4524-b060-5f86892a84d4 | jpfuntne-autoit-6-3-1                 | ACTIVE | -          | Running     | management=,                                                                                              |

An after example using the same command with this script used as a filter:

$ nova list | undupe
| ID | Name | Status | Task State | Power State | Networks |
| fd1afc31-104b-41d9-8978-30122c9ddb97 | autoit-f-autovnf-jpfuntne-avf-1 | ACTIVE | - | Running | autoit-jcp_orch=; autoit-jcp_mgmt= |
| 1dd45d82-c774-497f-8211-14c2301f161f | autoit-f-autovnf-jpfuntne-avf-2 | ACTIVE | - | Running | autoit-jcp_orch=; autoit-jcp_mgmt= |
| fcdd375f-37e1-4885-8c0f-d4aadad64e6e | jcp_autovnf-em-jpfuntne-em-1 | ACTIVE | - | Running | autoit-jcp_orch=; autoit-jcp_mgmt= |
| ea9571a5-0430-4ad7-a2b3-7e50deabe5ba | jcp_autovnf-em-jpfuntne-em-2 | ACTIVE | - | Running | autoit-jcp_orch=; autoit-jcp_mgmt= |
| 448ef86b-0bac-4de1-9fd2-a2afb5d6aaa4 | jcp_autovnf-esc-jpfuntne-esc-1 | ACTIVE | - | Running | autoit-jcp_orch=; autoit-jcp_mgmt= |
| da2f282d-5088-4ac1-858a-9c9148eb01bc | jcp_autovnf-esc-jpfuntne-esc-2 | ACTIVE | - | Running | autoit-jcp_orch=; autoit-jcp_mgmt= |
| 65bcf434-476c-4886-aa5d-37546aa4dda4 | jcp_autovnf-vPC-DI-PGW-jpfuntne-cf1-0 | ACTIVE | - | Running | autoit-jcp_orch=; autoit-jcp_mgmt=; di-internal1=; di-internal2= |
| f112de69-86a4-4a80-be62-88fb0f010a82 | jcp_autovnf-vPC-DI-PGW-jpfuntne-cf1-1 | ACTIVE | - | Running | autoit-jcp_orch=; autoit-jcp_mgmt=; di-internal1=; di-internal2= |
| 76388909-7c46-4c01-b3bc-862a034f0278 | jcp_autovnf-vPC-DI-PGW-jpfuntne-sf1-0 | ACTIVE | - | Running | service2=; service1=; autoit-jcp_orch=; di-internal2=; di-internal1= |
| d308c878-2c51-47a5-9a6d-23185983c9b6 | jpfuntne-autodeploy-6-3-1 | ACTIVE | - | Running | management=, |
| 36a7f0f4-55b3-4524-b060-5f86892a84d4 | jpfuntne-autoit-6-3-1 | ACTIVE | - | Running | management=, |

This is a little more managable and easier to read. Sure, there are advantages to the table too but if you grep out the lines with very long data that’s making the table so wide to begin with, the remaining rows in the original output still have a lot of useless and unnecessary padding. This script addresses that.
