
Tools and things that make my life easier - y'all might like them too

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Compare files under two directories.


Syntax: megadiff [-x|--exclude regexp ... ] dir1 dir2

Options and arguments

| Option | Description | Default | | —— | ———– | ——- | | -x | Exclude files | Exclude files that match the regular expression. Multiple regular expressions can be specified using two or more sets of options and arguments. |


Here are some commands that compare two git repo trees with each other:

$ megadiff -x '^.git$' megadiff/dir* | headtail
       1 match megadiff/dir1/toys/.gitignore megadiff/dir2/toys/.gitignore
       2 match megadiff/dir1/toys/ megadiff/dir2/toys/
       3 match megadiff/dir1/toys/ megadiff/dir2/toys/
       4 match megadiff/dir1/toys/bin/ megadiff/dir2/toys/bin/
       5 match megadiff/dir1/toys/bin/ megadiff/dir2/toys/bin/
     168 match megadiff/dir1/toys/misc/.exrc megadiff/dir2/toys/misc/.exrc
     169 match megadiff/dir1/toys/misc/.profile megadiff/dir2/toys/misc/.profile
     170 match megadiff/dir1/toys/misc/zaci-20/setup megadiff/dir2/toys/misc/zaci-20/setup
     171 match megadiff/dir1/toys/test/ megadiff/dir2/toys/test/
     172 match megadiff/dir1/toys/test/ megadiff/dir2/toys/test/
$ megadiff -x '^.git$' megadiff/dir* | columns 1 | uniqc
172 total items
171  99.42% match
  1   0.58% md5sum-mismatch
$ megadiff -x '^.git$' megadiff/dir* | grep -v ^match
md5sum-mismatch megadiff/dir1/toys/bin/megadiff megadiff/dir2/toys/bin/megadiff


  1. Since I know I’m comparing git repo trees, I avoid files in the .git directory in each tree.
  2. The first command shows several files that match. It almost looks as though everything matches.
  3. The second command shows how many files matched and how many did not - and if not, how they failed.
  4. I know there’s one mismatch so the third command prints only the mismatch.
