
Tools and things that make my life easier - y'all might like them too

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Compare two JSON or YAML files. Any combination of styles is allowed


jsoncompare [-h] [-y] [--y1] [--y2] [--char-by-char] [--side-by-side] [-v] file1 file2

Options and arguments

| Option | Description | Default | | —— | ———– | ——- | | -y or --yaml | Treat both files as YAML | Both files are treated as JSON | | --y1 or --yaml1 | Treat first file as YAML | The first file is treated as JSON | | --y2 or --yaml2 | Treat second file as YAML | The second file is treated as JSON | | --char-by-char | Compare strings character by character | Strings are compared in default compact diff style | | --side-by-side | Compare strings side by side | Strings are compared in default compact diff style | | -v | Enable verbose debugging | Debugging is not enabled |


$ head one.json two.yaml
==> one.json <==
    "foo": "We'd sing, sing, sing\nI'm a lumberjack and I'm ok\nI sleep all night and I work all day"

==> two.yaml <==
- 1
- 3
- foo: 'We''d sing, sing, sing

    I''m a lumberjack & I''m ok

    I sleep all night and I work all day'
  bar: "2"
- 5

$ jsoncompare one.json two.yaml
/1: 2 vs 3  # <== element #1 (remember, lists start at element #0!) is the number 2 in the first file, 3 in the second file
/2: 1-element dict vs 2-element dict  # <== the inner list is a different size
/2/foo:  # <== There are differences in one line of the the group of three lines
< I'm a lumberjack and I'm ok
> I'm a lumberjack & I'm ok
$ jsoncompare --side-by-side one.json two.yaml
/1: 2 vs 3
/2: 1-element dict vs 2-element dict
/2/foo:  # <== --side-by-side shows the change in context
We'd sing, sing, sing                                           We'd sing, sing, sing
I'm a lumberjack and I'm ok                                   | I'm a lumberjack & I'm ok
I sleep all night and I work all day                            I sleep all night and I work all day
$ jsoncompare --char-by-char one.json two.yaml
/1: 2 vs 3
/2: 1-element dict vs 2-element dict
/2/foo:  # <== --char-by-char shows each character that differs
< a
< n
< d
> &
