
Tools and things that make my life easier - y'all might like them too

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Perform git pull over one or more git repositories.

By default, it will only try to do git pull in a repository if the current branch is master or main. If the repo is some feature branch, it will not do git pull unless you override the behavior.


Syntax: git-pulls [--verbose] [--dry-run] [---branch] [root]

Options and arguments

| Option | Description | Default | | —— | ———– | ——- | | -d or --dry-run | Print information but do not do git pulls | The default is to do git pull on all the repos | | -b or --branch | Do not ignore repos not in the master/main branch | The tool does not do git pull if the repo is not in the master or main branch | | -v | Enable verbose debugging | Debugging is not enabled |

Argument Description Default
root Specifies the directory in which to look for repositories ~/repos



$ git-pulls --dry-run
2022-05-26 12:02:19,396 INFO /home/jpfuntne/bin/git-pulls:109 Processing '/home/jpfuntne/repos/bruno-ansible' ('/home/jpfuntne/repos/bruno-ansible')
2022-05-26 12:02:19,396 INFO /home/jpfuntne/bin/git-pulls:18 Executing ['git', 'branch']
2022-05-26 12:02:19,898 INFO /home/jpfuntne/bin/git-pulls:18 Executing ['git', 'log', '-1']
2022-05-26 12:02:20,460 INFO /home/jpfuntne/bin/git-pulls:133 cols: ['/home/jpfuntne/repos/bruno-ansible', 'master', 'b1452a9', '2022-05-17 06:54:19', 'Creating playbook to', '', '', '']
2022-05-26 12:02:20,462 INFO /home/jpfuntne/bin/git-pulls:109 Processing '/home/jpfuntne/repos/cisco-pfuntner' ('/home/jpfuntne/repos/cisco-pfuntner')
2022-05-26 12:02:20,462 INFO /home/jpfuntne/bin/git-pulls:18 Executing ['git', 'branch']
2022-05-26 12:02:21,201 INFO /home/jpfuntne/bin/git-pulls:18 Executing ['git', 'log', '-1']
2022-05-26 12:02:21,495 INFO /home/jpfuntne/bin/git-pulls:133 cols: ['/home/jpfuntne/repos/cisco-pfuntner', 'master', 'afdaa3d', '2022-05-24 10:37:05', 'Addressing issues fo', '', '', '']
2022-05-26 12:02:21,496 INFO /home/jpfuntne/bin/git-pulls:109 Processing '/home/jpfuntne/repos/docker' ('/home/jpfuntne/repos/docker')
2022-05-26 12:02:21,496 INFO /home/jpfuntne/bin/git-pulls:18 Executing ['git', 'branch']
2022-05-26 12:02:21,548 INFO /home/jpfuntne/bin/git-pulls:18 Executing ['git', 'log', '-1']
2022-05-26 12:02:21,605 INFO /home/jpfuntne/bin/git-pulls:133 cols: ['/home/jpfuntne/repos/docker', 'master', '6f4160e', '2019-09-13 13:42:54', 'I got the makefile t', '', '', '']
2022-05-26 12:02:21,606 INFO /home/jpfuntne/bin/git-pulls:109 Processing '/home/jpfuntne/repos/fun' ('/home/jpfuntne/repos/fun')
2022-05-26 12:02:21,607 INFO /home/jpfuntne/bin/git-pulls:18 Executing ['git', 'branch']
2022-05-26 12:02:21,682 INFO /home/jpfuntne/bin/git-pulls:18 Executing ['git', 'log', '-1']
2022-05-26 12:02:21,773 INFO /home/jpfuntne/bin/git-pulls:133 cols: ['/home/jpfuntne/repos/fun', 'master', '96fb36e', '2022-05-10 15:01:51', 'Trying setting of ne', '', '', '']
2022-05-26 12:02:21,774 INFO /home/jpfuntne/bin/git-pulls:109 Processing '/home/jpfuntne/repos/only-bruno' ('/home/jpfuntne/repos/only-bruno')
2022-05-26 12:02:21,774 INFO /home/jpfuntne/bin/git-pulls:18 Executing ['git', 'branch']
2022-05-26 12:02:21,838 INFO /home/jpfuntne/bin/git-pulls:18 Executing ['git', 'log', '-1']
2022-05-26 12:02:21,901 INFO /home/jpfuntne/bin/git-pulls:133 cols: ['/home/jpfuntne/repos/only-bruno', 'main', 'f34654f', '2021-11-09 10:30:46', 'adding title, main h', '', '', '']
2022-05-26 12:02:21,902 INFO /home/jpfuntne/bin/git-pulls:109 Processing '/home/jpfuntne/repos/' ('/home/jpfuntne/repos/')
2022-05-26 12:02:21,903 INFO /home/jpfuntne/bin/git-pulls:18 Executing ['git', 'branch']
2022-05-26 12:02:21,962 INFO /home/jpfuntne/bin/git-pulls:18 Executing ['git', 'log', '-1']
2022-05-26 12:02:22,026 INFO /home/jpfuntne/bin/git-pulls:133 cols: ['/home/jpfuntne/repos/', 'master', '40d3412', '2020-11-07 09:05:29', 'Creating separate st', '', '', '']
2022-05-26 12:02:22,026 INFO /home/jpfuntne/bin/git-pulls:109 Processing '/home/jpfuntne/repos/toys' ('/home/jpfuntne/repos/toys')
2022-05-26 12:02:22,027 INFO /home/jpfuntne/bin/git-pulls:18 Executing ['git', 'branch']
2022-05-26 12:02:22,089 INFO /home/jpfuntne/bin/git-pulls:18 Executing ['git', 'log', '-1']
2022-05-26 12:02:22,168 INFO /home/jpfuntne/bin/git-pulls:133 cols: ['/home/jpfuntne/repos/toys', 'master', 'e46584a', '2022-05-24 15:08:28', 'Adding more potentia', '', '', '']
2022-05-26 12:02:22,169 INFO /home/jpfuntne/repos/toys/bin/ args.rotate: False, order: ('Path', 'Branch', 'Old SHA1', 'Old Date', 'Old Text', 'New SHA1', 'New Date', 'New Text')
Path                                     Branch  Old SHA1  Old Date             Old Text              New SHA1  New Date  New Text
/home/jpfuntne/repos/bruno-ansible       master  b1452a9   2022-05-17 06:54:19  Creating playbook to
/home/jpfuntne/repos/docker              master  6f4160e   2019-09-13 13:42:54  I got the makefile t
/home/jpfuntne/repos/fun                 master  96fb36e   2022-05-10 15:01:51  Trying setting of ne
/home/jpfuntne/repos/  master  40d3412   2020-11-07 09:05:29  Creating separate st
/home/jpfuntne/repos/toys                master  e46584a   2022-05-24 15:08:28  Adding more potentia

I honestly don’t use --dry-run very often. If I had it to do over again, I would do it differently. Perhaps it would be more useful and I would actually use it more!

Live run

I didn’t have any commits I was aware of needing. While working on this documentation, I pushed it while halfway-done and used git-pulls on another machine to freshen it.

$ git pulls
* /home/ubuntu/repos/toys *
Updating e46584a..d24e741
 doc/ | 81 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 81 insertions(+)
 create mode 100644 doc/
   e46584a..d24e741  master     -> origin/master
Path                               Branch  Old SHA1  Old Date             Old Text              New SHA1  New Date             New Text
/home/ubuntu/repos/fun             master  96fb36e   2022-05-10 15:01:51  Trying setting of ne
/home/ubuntu/repos/toys            master  e46584a   2022-05-24 15:08:28  Adding more potentia  d24e741   2022-05-26 12:15:45  Preliminary doc for
/home/ubuntu/repos/bruno-ansible   master  b1452a9   2022-05-17 06:54:19  Creating playbook to
/home/ubuntu/repos/examples        master  c1ba3dc   2022-01-24 12:27:39  Create

Again, if I had it to do over, I think I might get rid of all the nonsense at the start and make it more silent if it’s there are no errors or unexpected behavior.
